Sometimes the best features are hidden in plain sight, like Price Code Delivery Method Restriction.
We know, it’s a mouthful. This is a handy tool in the Etix system that gives you the power to choose how specific ticket buyers receive their tickets. You can choose to restrict a specific delivery method to one or more price codes. There are many reasons to use this feature, but here are 3 scenarios that may seem the most familiar to you:
Selling discounted tickets online for specific groups.
Does your venue offer ticket discounts to students or members of the military? If you’re interested in selling these price codes online, you can use this feature to restrict the delivery method to Will Call only. This will allow you to verify the ticket buyer’s identification before delivering their tickets.
Keeping scalpers away from your high-dollar tickets.
Tickets in the first few rows of your venue may be priced higher than other sections, which can make them a target for potential fraud and scalping. By restricting these price codes to WIll Call or Regular Mail, you can deter fraud and prevent brokers from buying these tickets online and receiving them right in their inbox.
Offering VIP or Fan Club benefits.
Sometimes a promoter or artist fan club will request that their ticket holders pick up their tickets at the box office. Their fan club membership might give them special meet & greet passes or a limited edition tour t-shirt. Restricting the fan club or VIP price codes to Will Call only will ensure that each ticket buyer is guaranteed to enjoy their extra benefits on the day of the show.
Learn more about Price Code Delivery Method Restriction here.