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Dennis Scanlon

Dennis Scanlon, VP of Sales

Dennis is an industry veteran with 40 years’ ticketing experience serving an extensive variety of local, regional, and national clients. He has been with Etix for over 10 years and is committed to finding solutions that work for his clients. Dennis resides in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky, and is the father of three wonderful kids, grandfather of two, and husband to his first and only love, Sue.

Dennis.Scanlon@etix.com · 919.653.0566 (o) · 919.780.8086 (m)

Aaron BareAaron Bare, Director of Marketing

Aaron Bare, Director of Marketing for Etix, brings 20+ years of venue marketing and management experience in sports, concerts, and the performing arts to Etix and its client marketing division, Rockhouse Partners.  With an extensive knowledge of both traditional and modern marketing practices, Aaron believes Rockhouse Partners’ purpose is to practically blend the advantages of modern digital marketing with the real-world, everyday needs of their Etix clients. The only metric for success at Rockhouse is client satisfaction.

aaron.bare@etix.com · 919.653.0532 (o) · 919.434.7757 (m)