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Yadda, yadda; blog, blog, blog.

Why Mobile Matters

If there’s one digital trend that everyone seems to agree with, it’s that mobile is here for the long-haul. According to ThinkWithGoogle.com, smartphones have a 44% penetration in the US. Among smartphone users, 33% would rather give up TV, 26% would rather give up a computer, and 80% take it everywhere they go.

The most telling piece of information, however, is this: 66% of smartphone users expect mobile sites to be as easy to use as on a computer.

When fans go to your website on a mobile phone, what do they see? Do they see a sleek, easy to use mobile-optimized website that has the information they want and need, or do they see your standard desktop website shrunken down to the size of a soda can?

At Rockhouse Partners, we consider mobile-optimized websites to be a MUST. This is 20-40% of your traffic that we’re talking about! Every single one of our Etix Connect clients who builds a website with us gets a mobile site as part of the package. The best part? That mobile site is paired seamlessly with the desktop site, so changes to the desktop site are automatically pushed to the mobile site.

But websites are only part of the picture. 73% of smartphone users check email on their phone DAILY. We’re huge believers in the measurable ROI of email, so we make sure our clients have email templates that look beautiful on mobile and have clear calls-to-action that sell tickets. Single columns, big buttons, and concise copy are just a few of the tricks of our trade.

>> Learn how Rockhouse can get you on the mobile track

This post was part of the New Year, New Marketing series. It was written by Emily Harris and Lauren Leonard at Rockhouse Partners/Etix Connect.

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